9 Dulwich Village, Southwark, hearing
role   planning advice, expert witness
client   local residents' group
We acted in support of the refusal of planning permission for a new residential development in the garden of an existing house in the Dulwich Village conservation area in south London.
The local residents' group appointed GreerPritchard's Julie Greer to represent their interests and support them at an informal hearing — an appeal by the developer against the refusal.
The very large garden belonging to the existing building was considered to make a positive contribution to the character of the Dulwich Village conservation area. Southwark Council’s refusal was strongly supported by the local community and the Dulwich Society.
In this case, Julie Greer's evidence that the character of Dulwich Village depended very much on 'borrowed views' — with long gardens backing onto shorter gardens — was of vital importance. The Planning Inspector agreed and accepted Julie's evidence.
outcome   appeal dismissed
(APP/A5840/A/05/1176043) July 2005
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